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How to give your home a more romantic decor | The Paint People

How to Give Your Home A More Romantic Décor

Whether it’s in the bathroom, living room or bedroom, we tend to use the same touches to get a more romantic décor or ambience. Candles don’t disappoint. Flowers, lighting and the style of furniture you choose can all help too.

But to really add romance to a room, it takes more of an overall approach to the design and décor, versus just dimming the lights and putting on Barry White.

Choose muted colours and patterns

Regardless of how romantic you make a room, it’s not really so until someone’s in it. If that certain someone disappears in a sea of strong colours or busy patterns, let’s just say some of the romance will be lost.
Starting with wall paint colors, including Benjamin Moore’s Pink Bliss, or their Marilyn’s Dress, stick to neutral palettes and minimal patterns.

Have Elements of Vintage, Antiques and/or Natural Wood

It takes time for something to be imbued with romance. That doesn’t mean your entire room must look like a Victorian parlour, but touches like an ornate chandelier, copper accessories or even a hardwood floor in a lighter stain can do the trick.

Be Versatile with Your Lighting

Just slapping a dimmer onto the overhead light in the bedroom won’t be enough. Think about all the different ways the room can be lit to set a mood, including things like indirect lighting and pot lighting, and give yourself all the options. That way, regardless of anything else in the room, it can be made to suit the mood.

Mix Design Styles

Typically, décor styles, like contemporary, industrial or scandinavian, generally mean sticking to the colours fabrics and designs of that style. But ‘romantic’ isn’t really a design style. It’ll take a different combination of elements in your home than it will in anyone else’s home.

If you’re looking for paint colour or décor suggestions for any style of room, stop by The Paint People and let’s chat.

How to give your home a more romantic decor | The Paint People